Life Without Conflict Life Without Conflict | Page 100

Life Without Conflict 83
get married ? Go ahead and get married , it is perfectly fine to do so . Dada has no objection to that , but the problem is with your incorrect and incomplete understanding . What I am saying is you can do everything , but at least understand the reality of this world .
Emperor Bharat had thirteen hundred queens ! He spent his entire life with them and yet attained liberation in the same lifetime . Thirteen hundred wives ! So all you have to do is understand the matter . Live your worldly life with an understanding . You do not have to become an ascetic . If you do not understand , then become a hermit and live in isolation . Otherwise , the life of a hermit is only meant for the one who cannot get along with a woman ; it is an exercise to test one ’ s willpower to see if he can stay away from women .
The worldly life is an examination ; it is a test . You are being tested in it , and you have to pass the test . When even iron has to be tested as a metal , is it any different for achieving moksha ?
You cannot afford to remain in this illusion . It is because of this illusion ( moha ; maya ) that you perceive the world the way you do . This is why you suffer . Imagine the state of Emperor Bharat having to deal with thirteen hundred wives ! Even when there is just one queen at home , she creates such a scene , so just imagine what it would be like with thirteen hundred of them ! Alas even with one queen ( wife ), life is a challenge ; you can never win ! Once you have a difference of opinion , you are stuck ! Bharat had to tolerate thirteen hundred of them . As he passed through the queens ’ palaces , fifty of them would be smiling , while many of them were plotting against him . Their jealousy towards other queens drove them to plot against Emperor Bharat ; all this to take revenge on the Emperor ’ s current favorite queen . Their hatred was for the