Libro delle differenze | Page 3

-How beautiful ! - she exclaimed -I like the blonde one . I would buy it but ... it does not have any skirt ! And she left . -Sigh – sobbed the blonde doll- I really wanted to become Mary ’ s doll . I like that little girl so much !
When she heard her friend crying , the doll without eyes was filled with sadness . So she said -Take my skirt , I don ’ t need it . I don ’ t even have my eyes to look at it ...
And then she took off her skirt and gave it to the blonde doll .
The next day Maria passed again by the shop and when she saw the blonde doll dressed to the nines , she soon asked for it as a gift .
Later on a girl named MARTA passed by the toy shop and saw the remaining 4 dolls . How beautiful ! - she exclaimed -I really like that blonde one . I would buy it but ... it does not have any shirt ! And she left .
-Sigh - sobbed the blonde doll- I really wanted to become MARTA ’ s doll . I like that little girl so much !
When she heard her friend crying so , the doll without eyes was filled with sadness again . So she said -Take my shirt , I don ’ t need it . I don ’ t even have the eyes to look at it ...
And so saying , she took off her shirt and gave it to the second blonde doll . The next day , Marta was back . She saw the blonde doll dressed to the nines , and soon asked for it as a gift . The following days Serena and Giulia passed by the shop and the same scene took place again .
A week later Mr . ANTONIO looked at the window and realized that almost all the " different " dolls had been sold . Only one was left : the doll without eyes that had no clothes or accessories anymore ! Where were they ?
She gave them away to her 4 friends - answered a Teddy Bear that was on the top shelf . With her clothes the other dolls were so perfect that the little girls wanted them as a gift .
-What a beautiful doll ! - thought ANTONIO . - I thought that of all the toys the dark doll , so different , was the less valuable one . On the contrary , it is clearly the most precious . It has a truly unique accessory : a great heart .
A very precious doll indeed ! I want to give it to the girl that I love most : my little granddaughter .
And so the different doll had a little girl that loved it and she spent a very long time to make little LISA happy .