Library Newsletter March 2014 | Page 2

EABJM’s 4th annual BD/comic/manga contest! All college and lycée students are invited to submit a single page of your original comic/BD/manga for our contest. The comic must be hand-drawn, either in black and white or colour. The theme is literature-any literary work, theme, or adaptation. Students are to provide their full name and class, and use A3 paper, which the library can provide. Entries will be collected at the CDI. Please note: The comic should have a strong narrative flow, as well as fabulous images! Deadline for submissions is: Monday, March 31st. Judges will provide critiques, and prizes will be awarded during the EABJM literary festival, April 7-11. Like last year, we will make copies of all the entries to keep in a binder at the CDI. Good luck to all participants! Le prix des Incorruptibles Le CDI encourage activement les élèves, de la 6ème à la 2nde, de lire les livres proposés sur la liste Incorruptibles et de voter pour leur titre préféré. Plusieurs exemplaires de chaque livre sont disponibles au CDI. Les jeunes lecteurs s'engagent à lire les ouvrages qui ont été sélectionnés, se forger une opinion personnelle sur chacun des livres, et d evoter pour leur livre préféré. Students who have read all the books will vote on or before May 22nd to have their voices heard in this 25th annual, nation-wide Incorruptible vote. Students are to officially cast their vote through the CDI. We’re thrilled to have 27 students already signed up to take the challenge. More are always welcome! Library hours / Horaires CDI (70 rue du Théâtre) Lundi, mardi, jeudi: 8h30 – 17h30 Mercredi, vendredi: 8h30 – 17h00 52 rue Lourmel (1ère/Ter) Lundi - vendredi: 9h – 18h00