Let's Create a Book! | Page 30

I couldn’t. The men looked at each other, nodded their heads, got back into their car and drove off. The woman, who I had seen in the park before, was sitting in the car too; what made the whole situation even more interesting for me.

It was getting dark, I was scared and I rushed home. Thoughts about the suitcase became an obsession. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. Early in the morning I texted my best friend Vika asking to meet in the park before school started. I took her to the place where I found the suitcase, showed her the bench. I told her everything about yesterday with all the details. Vika didn’t believe me. To make matters worse, she accused me of lying. Because of me she skipped the lessons, parents would go mad and would shout at her, and would reject her allowance... the car to check if my friend was okay. He looked a bit creepy and Vika got scared even more. Who wouldn’t? Vika jumped on her