Let's Create a Book! | Page 180


as lively as it used to the previous times. But with a little to no hesitance they decided to continue their journey inside. Suddenly, the children with their caretakers were captured and out walked the same man who would perform. Only this time he was missing his mask. The caretakers and the children couldn’t believe what was before their very eyes. It was Krust! Standing there he smiled a menacing smile twirling a sharp edged knife in between his fingers. Frightened the children prepared themselves for a torturous end. Luckily, right before their last journey one of the caretakers phoned the police to inform them of their suspicions and ask for help to accompany them to the circus. Right as Krust was about to take his first steps echoing sirens stopped him and soon enough he was arrested by the police.

After his escape out of the orphanage Krust was at a loss against the world. The torments he went trough made the poor guy lose his mind and after his run away he made his mission to revenge every child that tortured him. He found an abandoned circus palace and claimed it as his own. In his troubled head he didn’t see himself as Krust