Let's Create a Book! | Page 167


“Ah, you are crazy! What kind of game is this?”

Some parents started getting angry, because of this creepy and mysterious situation. Logically they had no options just to listen to the man who seemed to have a lot to say. He explained that he knew where their next stop was, because once he had driven past it. Children’s parents decided to meet at the same place the next day and head to that place together. They also promised to take their children just in case.

The next morning was bright. The sun was rising slowly and everything was calm, but the missing children‘s relatives and five curious kids still felt confused about the previous day. In the early morning they gathered next to the circus place and set off to the village where “Circus of the rising sun“ use to stand 104 years ago.

“I hope everyone is brave enough to help us find those missing children“ the mysterious man exclaimed while driving to the village as if it was time to start adventure. Suddenly he ordered to stop the car and opened the door.