Let's Create a Book! | Page 154


Suddenly they noticed that in front of them there was a Secret door. Friends tried to open them by ripping off stones from the path. It required a lot of strength and by the time they had done, it was already a nightfall in the garden. The door was very old, heavy and they both had to make great effort to open them. My the first impression, the place they entered it looked like the old basement. Johnny and Ben noticed a ray of light somewhere in the distance. Boys walked towards the ray. It was getting brighter and brighter with each step. Actually, this source of light was a keyhole, through which they saw the vision of Ann's childhood. This site scared the boys again. They shivered and with that movement the door opened by itself. They returned to the bedroom, according to their guesses was Ann‘s, and found a diary on the ground. "... I still remember these events, as if they happened yesterday. I would like that this never happened again, but exactly it is a part of my life. This story is not over...“ – was written in it. Johnny put the diary back on the shelf and looked at Ben. They both