Let's Create a Book! | Page 127


It was a dark and cold autumn evening. It was November and leaves had already fallen off the trees. The branches looked as lonely as Ann did. As usual, she was lying in bed and feeling depressed. She had no one to talk to; she had no one to take care of. Suddenly, all of the lights went out! She noticed a shadow lurking behind the window. She glimpsed at it and thought that it bore a resemblance to her lost husband. In no time, Ann was outside but she slipped on a branch and fell down. She looked around but there was no one there.  Instead, there was only an old ragged jacket hanging on a branch, the one that her husband used to wear. As she picked it up, something fell out of its pocket. It was a picture of Mark, but she could discern a gloomy shadow behind him. 

Rushing back into the house, Ann decided to call her son Jack immediately and tell him about his missing father. When she gathered up her courage to inform him about it, something strange happened.