Lethbridge living WEB-LL July2017 | Page 33

living feature Members of the Lethbridge Sports and Social Club enjoy a hike at Waterton Lakes National Park. A SPORTING JEREMY FRANCHUK P H OT O G R A P H Y: C O U RT E S Y O F LETHBRIDGE SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB SOCIAL SCENE The Lethbridge Sports and Social Club is a new organization in town that aims to bring adults of all ages and abilities together through social and physical activities, while helping participants establish a new network of friendships. S T O P M E I F Y O U ’ V E H E A R D T H I S O N E B E F O R E : you finished school, got a job, and started a family. Then you changed jobs, maybe changed cities. Your schedule is packed and so is your Facebook feed. Life is good, but something is missing until one day, you realize what it is: you don’t have any friends. It may sound harsh, but a lack of friends is the reality for more and more adults, one with profound implications for one’s physical and mental health. For Patrick McCullagh, founder of the Lethbridge Sports and Social Club, finding himself in a new job in a new town meant having to develop a new social life. “I moved here from Ottawa about three years ago without knowing much about Lethbridge or Alberta. When you move somewhere new, you have a couple of choices: you can start working on an exit plan, or you create a life and community opportunities for yourself, and that’s what I decided to do,” explains Patrick. Patrick quickly threw himself into his community, volunteering as a fitness instructor at the YMCA and serving on its board of directors, while getting involved with his neighbourhood association executive. But Patrick, who came to Lethbridge to run the Lethbridge Public Library’s Bookmobile program, wanted something more. Early in 2017, Patrick launched the Lethbridge Sports and Social Club, which offers up a variety of coed recreational sports leagues, including volleyball and basketball, as well as activities and social events designed to help people LETHBRIDGELIVING.COM JUL-AUG 2017 33