Les Rêves des Notre Ours #2 | Page 15


I try not to let the mind

believe in its own ghosts. Struggle to be

filtered, safe & functional.

still they persist.

Found one in my computer as I was limbering...

thought it was still 25. Hallucinogenics as

calisthenics... stuff gets smoky, tokey fingers in the CPU fan

stinking up the cleanest arguments.

Several have migrated to my spine, think

they’ll build a bow...

arrows at the moon

arrows at the apples of my weeping eye.

More revenants yet have

clouded up my friends.

They have complained

it’s been so long since we caught up.

But all this phantom energy is also a pillow.

I sleep on a remnant conscience, give generously

in small doses while (part of a libertarian society)

working assiduously on Project Me.

Love isn’t the answer, it was never meant to be.

Spiritual growths are excised by diligent private surgeons.

I had this workmate who inherited nothing but problems,

happiness has acquired a weight.

The future may be a liberation, I could

blow off this clamour of vapours

or perhaps I will become one to

flop loose in the fascinating winds.

Brain & I will dawdle

if the sun comes around.

Working at the coalface of ecstasy

Onward is pledge & sentence.

by Les Wicks - Les Wicks has toured widely and seen publication in over 350 different magazines, anthologies & newspapers across 24 countries in 12 languages. His 13th book of poetry is Getting By Not Fitting In (Island, 2016). http://leswicks.tripod.com/lw.htm