Leland Insider | Page 2

On the second Tuesday of every August, law enforcement agencies across the na on par cipate in Na onal Night Out. This is an opportunity for police to partner with local communies in the interest of making neighborhoods safer places to live and promo ng unity between residents and law enforcement. Avalon Park par cipated in this event again this year and had a great turnout! Residents celebrated with food, music, games, and visits from Orange County law enforcement members. Avalon Park was proud to take home the first place award for the second year in a row. Encouraging residents to work with law enforcement pays off; overall crime in Orange County is down 5% and communi es with neighborhood associa ons rank amongst the safest. Avalon Park is a neighborhood associa on in southeastern Orange County which spans over 1,800 acres and has over 4,000 homes! The community has single family homes and townhomes as well as a downtown area with many restaurants and stores.