Leland Insider | Page 11

Naviga ng Ne que e

Ne que e ( net e que e ) is a set of guidelines that helps create a standard for acceptable ways to communicate online . To avoid making uninten onal social blunders online , check out these ps on how to have good manners in cyberspace .
• Remember when communica ng online that there is an actual person on the other end of your communicaon . Type as you would speak to someone in person and treat others how you wish to be treated .
• Know your audience . Some online forums are more casual and informal and some are more professional . Be sure you are following the structure of the domain in which you are using . This is especially important with anything that is a professional interac on such as an e-mail between coworkers or a discussion group in college .
• Check your posts for spelling and grammar errors . Even a simple typo can some mes change the way a person views your online communica on especially if it is your first interac on with the individual .
• Share advice with others if it is a topic you are aware of . Do not share advice that could be detrimental to another person such as making medical recommenda ons if you are not a doctor . Try not to dominate online conversa ons . Treat them the same as you would a group conversa on in public .
• Be pa ent with others you encounter online . Some people are not as tech savvy as others so try to always give others the benefit of the doubt and treat them with kindness .
• Avoid using sarcasm online even if it as meant as a harmless joke . In online communica on , we do not have the benefit of hearing tones of voice or seeing facial expressions .
• Try to keep posts , discussions , and e-mails concise . This helps your audience clearly understand what you might be trying to say and also makes it more likely that others will take the me to read your message .
One of the most popular methods of online communica on is e-mail . Since it is used so prevalently , especially in business se ngs , it is a wise idea to follow a few addi onal ps on e-mail e que e .
• When crea ng an e-mail address , consider using one that is professional and appropriate . This makes it much more likely that your recipients will take you seriously . People are more likely to accept an address like johnsmith @ yahoo . com , but may balk at something like skateboarder4life @ yahoo . com .
• When wri ng an e-mail , use a clear , direct subject line . Examples are “ Change in Mee ng Date ”, “ Proposal Sugges ons ”, and “ Training Presenta on ”. This helps a busy recipient know exactly what your e-mail is about , especially if that person has been wai ng on something from you .
• Address your contacts formally . It is appropriate to use “ Hi ” and “ Hello ”, but not so much so to say “ What ’ s up ” or “ Yo ”. It is always best to lean towards more formal if you are not sure of your audience .
• Spell the name of your contact correctly . Do not abbreviate his or her name unless you are certain that is how your contact wants to be addressed .
• Do not write in “ text speak ”. Spell words properly , write in full sentences , use proper punctua on , and do not write in all capital le ers . This is considered shou ng in the internet world and it also makes your messages more difficult to read .
• Use standard fonts when wri ng and keep your backgrounds plain . This makes e-mails load more easily and also makes them easier to read .
• Do not forget your a achments . This can be frustra ng for recipients who now have to e-mail you back to remind you to send the a achment that they were wai ng on .
• Always review your e-mails . Be sure to read them carefully . Many applica ons will automa cally correct a word that is typed incorrectly , but they may not replace it with the word you intended .
• Think about how your message might sound to the person receiving it . If you feel like it could be taken as harsh or angry ( even if this is not your inten on ), consider rewri ng it .
• Do not always click on Reply to All . This is a good op on only if you know that all of the people copied on the e -mail would like your response . Some mes , Reply to All can become a nuisance and unnecessarily barrage people ’ s inboxes .
• Make sure your recipient is correct before sending an e-mail . If you know people that have the same ini als it is easy to select the wrong contact from your drop down list .