Leland Insider

Leland Insider This Issue • Educa on Updates In 2016, the Leland Management educa on team awarded over 291 state approved Board Member Cer fica ons to community board members throughout the state of Florida. We are proud of the impact our educa on ini aves have had on our communies and look forward to our next series of courses coming in 2017. Visit our website at www.LelandManagement.com for more info. Leland Management is pleased to announce that we won the Orlando Business Journal’s 2016 Best Places to Work! This award means a lot to us as we value our team members and we know it is the great work we do together as a group that allows us to offer services that we can be proud of. We look forward to the future together! Avalon Park National Night Out • Best Places to Work • Flu Season • Kids’ Day • Making Strides Against Breast Cancer This me of year, with the seasons changing and the holidays fast approaching, is a great me for reflecon. Looking back makes me realize that Leland Management has much to be thankful for. First and foremost, I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all our communi es for con nuing to allow us to serve you year a er year. It means a great deal to myself and to the en re Leland Management team that you have entrusted your community to our outstanding staff. Leland’s dedicated staff is our greatest asset, and this year they have con nued to provide the excep onal quality service that makes our company the best in the industry. Much of Leland’s success is due to the hard-working CAMs, Accoun ng Managers, and support staff, that are dedicated to your communi es daily; they are truly the backbone of the company. Because of this dedica on we are proud that our team has been recognized on mul ple occasions for winning awards for Leland as a Company as well as for your individual communi es. We are always proud of these dis ncons and are honored that we have been selected and recognized for awards throughout the state. Leland Management has experienced tremendous growth since its founding over 15 years ago, but we always remain commi ed to the values we were built on. We are pleased to announce that our Ocala division is expanding by opening our newest loca on in Gainesville this November. This will mark the 15th loca on for Leland, enabling us to con nue to bring the personal a en on and customer service that Leland offers closer to your neighborhood. We are pleased to become a part of the Gainesville community and we look forward to celebra ng many more of these milestones in the future. • Netiquette • Pets and HOAs Technology has been a large focus of Leland Management this past year. Throughout 2016, Leland has connued our focus on advancing our technology and infrastructure by implemen ng a new management so ware (conver ng from TOPS to Caliber), a new phone system and call center, as well as new server infrastructure. We also rolled out the brand new Leland Link websites for communi es. These technological changes are an investment in the future of Leland, helping us to con nue to provide quality service more effec vely and efficiently. Finally, on a personal note, this September David and I welcomed another grandchild into the world, a beau ful li le girl named Rebecca (Becca). She is a joy and along with my other grandchildren remind me that both my family as well as my extended Leland family, are truly some of the most important things in life. As always, we remain dedicated to our mission of providing all our communi es with high quality service, remaining ac ve in our community, giving back to many local chari es, and suppor ng our team, the people who make a difference every day. It is our pleasure to serve you and thank you for allowing us to con nue to support community associa ons throughout Florida. On behalf of the en re Leland team, I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season. Rebecca Furlow