Leland Insider, Fall Edition Fall Insider 2017 - Final Draft

Leland Insider This summer has been a busy one here at Leland Management! Along with our summer events, we got a surprise visitor in the form of Hurricane Irma. This was definitely a stressful experience for us, our communi es, and our employees. However, we are pleased about the posi ves of this situa on. Communi es came together to help one another, our associa on managers were well informed on what needed to be communicated to their associa ons, our IT department worked hard to ensure things would be up and running for those who wanted and were able to work, and most importantly our staff remained safe. Hurricanes are the downside of living in our otherwise lovely state, but we feel grateful that we got through it as well as we did. Other exci ng things happened at Leland during the summer. We celebrated Team Apprecia on Week. The owners of Leland Management came in over a weekend to post mo va onal signs and post its all over the office and in every em- ployee’s workspace. Employees were greeted with this on a Monday morning which made the start of the week much more pleasant! Leland won the Orlando Sen nel Top 100 Com- panies award and earned Best Places to Work for the 7th consecu ve year! This was such an hon- or. The Reader’s Choice awards for FLCAJ are also coming up; we would appreciate your vote! We also a ended the 15th annual Make ‘m Smile event which is organized by Nathaniel’s Hope. Finally, our so ware transi on to Caliber is 100% complete! This was a huge undertaking which took nearly two years to complete. We are pleased with the results so far and how it is help- ing us to serve our clients even more effec vely and efficiently. Leland also welcomed more communi es to our new website solu on, LelandLink Ruby. Over 70 communi es are now enjoying their community websites which are customized to meet the needs of each associa on. We are adding new features regularly, so if you have not scheduled a demo yet, please reach out to us at Website- [email protected]. We look forward to what the last quarter of the year will bring and hope to close it on a high note! Rebecca Furlow, President