Leland Insider, Fall Edition Fall Insider 2017 - Final Draft | Page 5

Disaster Prepara on Hurricane Irma reminded us of the importance of disaster prepara on. Most of us breathe a sigh of relief when hurricane season ends and don’t think much of it un l the next year. However, disaster preparedness should be something we think about year-round. In addi on to hurricanes, we must consider heavy rainfall, fires, torna- does, and other natural events as poten al disasters for which we would want to prepare. • Keep a kit of important supplies and ensure it is always refilled if items are used. This should include water, non-perishable food, flashlights, ba eries, and im- portant documents. • Keep open communica on with the members of your household about what needs to happen in the event of a disaster. If you have children, consider prac c- ing with them from me to me so that in the event of a disaster, your kids will remember what to do and where to go. • Review your insurance policies regularly and ensure that they are current and meet the needs when pertaining to coverage and hazard coverage. Do the same with your health insurance. It is never fun to think of a disaster happening, but the more prepared you can be, the be er the outcome should the worst case scenario occur. Educa on Leland Management is commi ed to providing ongoing educa on to our team mem- bers and our Board Members. We are approved by the State of Florida to provide con- nuing educa on courses as well as Board Cer fica on classes. We have a team of cer- fied and skilled instructors to provide these important courses. Visit h ps:// www.LelandManagement.com/contents/educa on to learn more about our educa on program and find out what classes are coming up.