Legionella Prospectus Version 10.5 Legionella (Water Hygiene) Prospectus 12 DIGITAL C | Page 12

Code : WH003
Legionella Control Within Hot and Cold Water Systems
Course Overview :
This course will give you an overview and understanding of how to control the risk from legionella bacteria within hot and cold water systems . It will enable effective management of the hot and cold water system in accordance with the Approved Code of Practice ( ACOP ) L8 and guidance document HSG274 Part 2 .
Who Is This Course For :
For managers , supervisors or engineers who require knowledge of how to prevent and control the legionella bacteria and how it may proliferate in their hot and cold water system .
Key Learning Areas Covered In This Course :
Medical aspects of legionnaires disease , including how the bacteria proliferates and who may be susceptible to the illness
Background into other potential common mechanical , and bacterial hazards from a hot and cold water system
Relevant statutory documents , also covering a number of high profile court cases and the outcomes
The requirements of Approved Code of Practice L8 to ensure compliance
Hot and cold water system design , remedial actions required to minimise the risk of the bacteria proliferating and work required to ensure compliance to the Water Regulations
The required monitoring of water temperatures , tank inspections , water sampling and the required actions in the event of positive count of the legionella bacteria .
How to correctly compile and maintain the water management log book Course Duration / Locations : 3 day training course , available in York , Slough and Falkirk Course Fees :
£ 795 + VAT per delegate . Accommodation from £ 98 + VAT per night ( including DBB )
12 www . ppltraining . co . uk info @ ppltraining . co . uk All Enquiries Call : 0333 121 1215