Legend Men's Magazine Most Powerful Women In Entertainment | Page 4

your teeth. Carefully crafted and designed to fit into space where teeth once were, the Dental Wig allows it's users to eat, sleep and play without the discomfort and embarrassing mishaps commonly associated with dentures.

Getting fitted for a Dental Wig is absolutely painless and it practically eliminates the need for dental implants. A procedure that is both expensive and painful.

dentistry has driven her to improve the dentist experience by creating a product that is not only painless but a strike at pure genius in modern times. Lydie Livolsi is that brilliant mind behind the patented and world-renowned "Dental Wig."

A "Dental Wig" is exactly what it sounds like. It's a wig for your teeth.


Lydie Livolsi



enjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison were noted inventors of their time. Forever changing the world as they then knew it, to one of progression and ingenuity. Today, inventors continue to sculpt the world around us, and their contributions are duly noted. There is one inventor who's insight and perception in the field of dentistry has driven her to improve the dentist experience by creating a product that is not only painless but a strike at pure genius in modern times. Lydie Livoolsi is that brilliant mind behind the patented and world-renowned "Dental Wig." reach a certain level, you can’t even stop by a local coffee shop without crowds storming you for autographs. When your face, movies, shows, interviews, and even some of your life events are all over the news and other sources, what do you do with such exposure?

resources available to them and establish a royal presence in Hollywood even before the Internet opened the doors of global accessibility.