Legacy | A Publication of Lena Pope Legacy | Summer 2013 | Page 4

Chapel Hill Academy By Vicki Sendejo Early Learning Center By Susanne Luebke Principal, Chapel Hill Academy Director, Lena Pope Early Learning Center Chapel Hill Academy embarked on a seemingly foreign I can’t believe it’s been a year since we opened the doors concept this year. For the first time, the school would be of the Lena Pope Early Learning Center! What started as graduating 55 students to attend other schools. Many a vision for making quality early learning accessible to students in this group had been charter members of the all children, has turned into something more. I am most school when it first opened its doors in 2009. Teachers struck by two things. First, that prevention and early and staff had spent the past five years empowering intervention really does work! I see it each time I go into these students with an education, and preparing them a classroom and see the child who came in lacking in so for a successful academic career at any middle school many skills keeping up with every other child in the class. or junior high. It was a bittersweet year, being that Or, when I have a parent who was initially hesitant to it was full of excitement seeing our students mature have a conversation ask to sit down and problem solve a physically and scholastically, but no one was quite family dilemma over coffee. prepared for the reality of this special group of students picking up and moving on to 6th grade — elsewhere. My second realization is that the safe and supportive environment we strive to create hasn’t been only our They will be missed by all, but many have siblings and doing. It has been a magical exchange between the