Legacy | A Publication of Lena Pope Legacy Spring 2015 | Page 6

Chapel Hill Academy Increases Emotional IQs I f a student can do arithmetic and read and social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible write at the appropriate age level but lacks decision-making. The student-centered format of SEL the ability to learn from a bad grade or requires student engagement and makes the children regulate her emotions if someone else takes active participants in their own learning. first prize, does that child have the skills to be socially and emotionally well adjusted? Members Every classroom at CHA will be outfitted with a of the administrative team at Chapel Hill Academy curriculum kit that includes weekly plans, daily projects, (CHA) take finding the answers to these questions and pieces designed to take home so development can very seriously. continue while students are outside the classroom. CHA teachers will begin learning the program over the “The most common concern I hear from teachers is not summer to be SEL-literate by the fall. about academics,” said Jennifer Carpenter, a licensed clinical social worker and the coordinator of Student and “SEL offers a way for CHA and our teachers to be pro- Family Services at CHA. “It’s about how to help students active, by teaching these skills to our students before who are angry, sad, or worried learn to manage these they need them, instead of being reactive and trying feelings, so that they can be successful.” to teach our students after a problem has occurred,” Jennifer said. “One of the most exciting things about To help all students learn to properly adapt to stress or a coordinated SEL program is that we will have a adversity, CHA will further enhance its comprehensive common vocabulary across all classrooms and all curriculum program grade levels. We will begin teaching these concepts starting this fall. Social Emotional Learning (SEL), an in pre-K and then will build upon them all the way up evidence-based model, has been designed to help to 5th grade.“ by implementing a new children increase self-awareness, self-management, SEL is a proven strategy that is endorsed by teachers across the country. It has been shown to reduce and prevent bullying, increase interest in learning, and improve student behavior and overall school climate. CHA’s Principal, Victoria Sendejo is elated about the possibilities the program brings to the students and hopes more schools and districts will catch on. “In addition to emphasizing the importance of academic knowledge, we want to teach students the value Social Emotional Learning boosts all the right skills to make children smarter students and better friends. of being able to identify and maintain a balance in their social and emotional well being,” Victoria said. 6 LEGACY 17235_SPRING_2015_LEGACY.indd 6 4/6/15 11:11 AM