Legacy 2017 South Florida: Power Issue | Page 4

Legacy South Florida ’ s purpose is to showcase and celebrate excellence in our community . Legacy Awards highlight individuals and organiza�ons that perform at a high level in business and industry . Despite working in diverse sectors , all the honorees are commi�ed to working toward a be�er community . Our community is made richer by their contribu�ons .
Corporate Executive of the Year
Juliet Murphy Roulhac , J . D . is the regional manager of Corporate External Affairs for Florida Power & Light ( FPL ). Roulhac manages governmental and community rela�ons with elected officials and major stakeholders for FPL , one of the country ’ s largest electric u�lity providers of clean energy . The 35-year South Florida resident also develops regional strategies for the Fortune 200 firm . She loves collabora�on because it allows people and organiza�ons to , “ jointly bring ideas together to create something that you could not accomplish by yourself .” A licensed a�orney , Roulhac enjoys partnering with corporate and community partners that , “ serve the en�re community regardless of race and socio-economic status .” The double University of Florida alumna notes , “ FPL is commi�ed to diversity and inclusion .”
Legacy Award
Jasmin Shirley is the vice president of Community Health Services at North Broward Hospital District d / b / a Broward Health . In this posi�on , she oversees the day-to-day opera�ons of the Community Health Services Division , which includes primary care centers , home health and hospice agency , an infusion company , urgent care centers , and physician prac�ces . A thirty-year health industry

Legacy Applauds 2017 Special Award Honorees

veteran , Shirley is a renowned HIV / AIDS advocate and holds posi�ons in numerous health-related commi�ees like NAACP Execu�ve Commi�ee and Broward Regional Health Planning Council . The proud Delta Sigma Theta member earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Florida and the University of Miami , respec�vely .
Public Official of the Year
The Honorable Dale Holness serves as the commissioner for Broward County District 9 , which spans several ci�es including Fort Lauderdale , Planta�on , and Lauderhill , among others . Holness ’ offers this take on public service , “ A public servant ’ s main func�on is community building , by bringing people , businesses- -both for-profit and non-profit , and governmental en��es together for the common good . And , making life be�er for all .” As a public official , Holness seeks to , “ develop policies , programs , and laws that work to ensure that we maintain a civil society and empower people to live full and produc�ve lives .” The commissioner priori�zes youth development , economic development , and affordable housing .
Business of the Year
From their na�ve Manchester , Jamaica , West Indies , the sibling owners of The Dutch Pot Jamaican Restaurants fell in love with the joy of pleasing people by exci�ng their taste buds and filling their bellies with delicacies from the Caribbean homeland . A�er migra�ng to the United States , sisters Cherry and Melony soon decided to take a leap of faith into entrepreneurship with the support of their family . Now , thousands of customers dine in their eateries each day . A�er 17 years of success , the company expanded from its original single loca�on ( Broward & U . S . 441 ) to six South Florida restaurants .
Business Person of the Year
Dr . Traci Lynn is a mo�va�onal speaker and CEO of Traci Lynn Jewelry .
Founded with $ 200 , she has expanded the brand into a na�onal direct sales company that is now a mul�-million dollar enterprise with a 46 state presence . Lynn says the company ’ s mission is to , “ mo�vate people to step out of their comfort zones , inspire them to greatness and change their lives .” Lynn highlights the biggest member benefit as , “ having the opportunity to have hope , to really begin believing in yourself .” By consistently offering her team the chance to own their own businesses , balance their lives , and achieve financial independence , Lynn earned the nickname , “ The “ Millionaire Mo�vator .”
Corporation of the Year
VITAS is the na�on ’ s leading provider of end-of-life care and has set the standard and delivered high-quality care for more than 35 years . Because hospice care is about serving people during very difficult �mes in their lives , VITAS maintains its focus on providing the highest quality care for its pa�ents and families . Through its “ Access Ini�a�ve ” programs , VITAS partners with churches , universi�es and community organiza�ons to help people be�er understand their op�ons in hospice care . VITAS team members include registered nurses , licensed prac�cal nurses , home health aides , physicians , social workers , chaplains and other caregiving professionals . Learn more at www . Vitas . com .
Trailblazer of the Year
Wells Fargo Bank ini�ally hired Komi Agbodji hired as a teller . A decade later , he now serves as regional banking district manager . Agbodji says , “ My job is to serve others ; I enjoy helping people ; customers and team members . My roles and responsibili�es have changed over the years based on posi�on but helping people constant .” He is inspired by , “ Seeing my team members succeed and make a
Educator of the Year
difference in our customers ’ life . We have a unique opportunity in banking to guide and help turn dreams and aspira�ons into reality . That is very rewarding .”
In 2015 , Palm Beach State College ( PBSC ) made history when it named Ava L . Parker , J . D ., as the first female president in its more than 80-year history . Founded in 1933 , PBSC is Florida ’ s first public community college and has grown to become the county ’ s largest higher educa�onal ins�tu�on and serves nearly 50,000 students annually . Parker brings a plethora of professional experience and perspec�ve to the Aspen Prize Top award-winning ins�tu�on . She previously served as an a�orney , a university trustee , a member of the inaugural Florida Board of Governors , and COO of Florida ’ s first public STEM University . Parker is also double graduate of the University of Florida .
Community Service Nonprofit Organization of the Year
In 2009 , the South Broward Alumnae Chapter ( SBAC ) of Delta Sigma Theta , Inc . ( DST ) was chartered and serves 165 members . SBAC values are striving for excellence so it can lead , empower , and serve service area communi�es . Chapter president , Cassandra E . Joseph notes , “ DST is an organiza�on of college educated women commi�ed to the construc�ve development of its members and public service with a primary focus on the Black community .” The chapter mentors 25 high school and 12 middle school young ladies , and are poised to invest $ 10,000 in student scholarships and honorariums in its service area .