Legacy 2017 South Florida: Power Issue | Page 10

By : Danielle Stedman VITAS Healthcare has been a pioneer and leader in the hospice movement since 1978 . The Miami-based company is now the na�on ’ s largest provider of end-of-life care , opera�ng in 15 states and the District of Columbia . It is also a leader when it comes to diversity . Na�onwide , the company employs close to 12,000 health care professionals , including registered nurses , licensed prac�cal nurses , home health aides , physicians , social workers , chaplains and other caregiving professionals .
While many organiza�ons have the concept of diversity wri�en in their mission statements , VITAS has demonstrated that diversity is not only a part of its organiza�onal philosophy it is part of its core values . The company ’ s belief in diversity is evident in its policies and prac�ce . For example , VITAS is the only na�onal hospice provider with a significant presence in inner-city areas and other communi�es of color .
VITAS execu�ves believe that the values and cultures of pa�ents and families should be reflected in the caregivers who serve them during the most difficult �me in their lives . The result , they say , is a more meaningful and comfortable experience for all . Because of this , officials say they are commi�ed to recrui�ng and maintaining a diverse staff . More than half of the workforce at VITAS is comprised of minori�es . Three Black execu�ves are being honored by Legacy Magazine for their substan�al mark in the corporate culture and their contribu�ons to the Black community .
Diane Deese , Vice President of Community Affairs
Powerhouse Diane Deese has been in the forefront of expanding access and awareness to hospice throughout the country for over 27 years . Deese started with VITAS 16 years ago , as the general manger of the company ’ s Chicago opera�on . Even back then , she recognized dispari�es in access to hospice care among minori�es . Deese says she joined VITAS with the intent to greatly impact underserved communi�es and people who have less access to hospice care .
“ People of color don ’ t have easy access to hospice care ,” says Deese . “ If you look at our numbers tradi�onally , the industry of hospice serves about 1.4 to 1.5 million pa�ents every year .
According to Deese , less than 10 percent of VISTAS ’ clients are Black ; less

VITAS Innova�ve Hospice Care Paves Way for Diversity

than 8 percent are Hispanic , and less than 5 percent are Asian .
“ Those numbers are dispropor�onate , but par�cularly alarming when you realize that people of color carry an equal or higher incidence of having all hospice appropriate illnesses ,” said Deese .
Through alliances with professional healthcare and faith-based organiza�ons , Deese has been able to spread consciousness about hospice and successfully reach underserved popula�ons by providing non-tradi�onal ways of reaching pa�ents and families . She says the personal impact hospice care has had on her life is enormous .
“ Every day my life is impacted by hospice care ,” says Deese . “ When you think about it , there are pa�ents somewhere
right now perhaps figh�ng to take their last breath , to live one more hour longer . So , because of that , things don ’ t seem to be as serious as they once used to be .”
“ People of color don ’ t have easy access to hospice care ." Diane Deese , VITAS vice president of community affairs
Diana Smith , General Manager , VITAS Palm Beach For Diane Smith , working at VITAS is a calling . She started her career with VITAS as an oncology nurse a�er receiving her Bachelor ’ s degree from Florida Interna�onal University in Miami . A�er a year working in the field of oncology , she realized she wanted to connect with her pa�ents on a much deeper level . So , Smith made the decision transi�on and work as a nurse with VITAS .
Smith says she fit in with company ’ s culture and its hands-on approach to assis�ng pa�ents and comfor�ng families . She says she is proud of the culture and ethics that VITAS has in place for both its pa�ents and employees .
“ As a general manager , it is important that my employees know that they work for a company that cares about them and as a manager I want them to see that care filtering down ,” says Smith , a mother of two . “ The essence of what we do is caring and that is what I love about my job .”
Smith ’ s passion for working at VITAS is personal . Her mother passed away in
The three D ' s , ( le� to right ) Diana Smith , Diane Deese and Donna Borland
hospice care . She says that emo�onal experience is a constant reminder for her to always render care to pa�ents in the same manner she would have wanted for her own mother
“ As a general manager , it is important that my employees know that they work for a company that cares about them and as a manager I want them to see that care filtering down ." Diana Smith , general manager , VITAS Palm Beach
Donna Borland , General Manager , VITAS Broward County
Donna Borland has over 25 years of healthcare and hospice management experience . A�er migra�ng to the United States from Jamaica , Borland a�ended Broward Community College , where she completed her associate ’ s degree and later completed her nursing degree at Florida Atlan�c University .
“ I realized I needed more , that there was more to nursing ,” says Borland , a wife and mother . “ I used to see hospice staff coming into the hospital and they always had the �me to spend with pa�ents and I knew that ’ s what I went into nursing for , to be at the bedside of my pa�ents .”
Borland applied to VITAS and was hired by her mentor Maureen Knips , who is now vice president of opera�ons at VITAS . Borland says Knips pushed her throughout her career and advised her to con�nue to advance throughout the company .
“ Whenever I felt like I can ’ t do this , she was always there to encourage , mo�vate and inspire me ,” said Borland .
Borland says that encouragement is paying off . And , as a result , she lives her life with purpose and no limits .”
“ Every day that I get up and come to work , I face the fact that people are dying around me and they have 6 months or less to live ,” says Borland . “ Because of that I am reminded about mortality and as a result , I have learned to love more , demonstrate love for my family and know that no day is promised to you .”
Dedicated to patient-driven principles , VITAS operates on strong core values : “ Patients and families come first ; we take care of each other ; we do our best today and even better tomorrow ; and we are proud to make a difference .”
Legacy Magazine salutes VITAS Innovative Hospice Care as South Florida ’ s 2017 Corporation of the Year and Diane Deese , Diane Smith and Donna Borland as three of South Florida ’ s Most Powerful and Influential Black Leaders in Business and Industry for 2017 .
" I have learned to love more , demonstrate love for my family and know that no day is promised to you .” Donna Borland , general manager , VITAS Broward County