Lee&Lee Tax Tips Rental 2017 Volume1 | Page 4

Rental Example:

Fixing broken glass on a window is considered a repair.

Replacing the whole window frame is an capital improvement which will be depreciated at 2.5%

Repairs made immediately after purchase of the investment property or maintenance to make the property suitable for rental are considered to be of a capital nature - part of the cost of the property and can be depreciated.

They are not deductible as ATO considers the lower price of the property reflects its state of disrepair.

The ATO is particularly vigilant in catching people who are claiming expenses described as repairs when they are considered to be improvements.

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Loan a/c fees on loans to finance investment properties.

o For the interest to be deductible the

loan must have been applied to

acquire an income producing asset

rental property

o Where loans used for both investment

property and private assets the

interest has to be apportioned based

on how much of the principal was used

for which purpose. This usually

happens when people are using a Line

of Credit facility


The cost of attending property investment seminars – only to the extent that they relate to operating or maximizing the return on currently owned properties.

o Where money is spent on relevant

seminars before any property is

acquired, there will be no deduction


Quantity Surveyor’s report

The cost of preparing a report showing depreciation expenses and Special Building Write-off.