Learning for All Catalog Winter Spring 2017 | Page 5


Re�re and Travel Free
Learn about volunteer , work-vaca�ons and paid travel opportuni�es ! If you ’ re near re�rement , re�red , changing careers , or someone who likes the idea of making addi�onal income to support their travel dream , this class is for you . Imagine traveling using free airline �ckets , hotel nights , cruises , tours , meals and more , in the USA and worldwide ! Learn how to maximize frequent flyer miles and reward points , get " bumped " and fly free , mystery shop , import items , teach English , organize trips , work for tour companies , write ar�cles , shoot photos , blog , volunteer , or get paid to drive . Over 200 ways will be discussed including opportuni�es to volunteer and to earn extra income or tax deduc�on while traveling . Plus , you will receive �ps on packing , travel websites , solo travel , safety , how to avoid scams , and the top 50 travel words to know in any language . Gina Henry
Date : Mon , Apr 24 Time : 6:00 – 9:30 pm Cost : $ 29 or $ 49 / couple Class #: AET1 Loca�on : District Ed Center , 101
Ac�ve Adults age 50 and Over
Young at Heart Camp August 21-26 Lauren�an Environmental Center 8950 Peppard Rd , Bri� MN 55710
A mix of indoor and outdoor , naturalist-led ac�vi�es including wilderness walks and hikes , nature cra�s , a 12-sta�on challenge course , a 32-foot climbing wall , archery , game field and water recrea�on including canoes / rowboats . Camp ameni�es include : access to hundreds of acres of wilderness , trails and trout streams , a lodge and dining facility serving homestyle meals , semi-private lodging for singles and couples , sauna , and an outdoor campfire theater .
For more informa�on and to register call Barb at 651-621-7489 .
Lauren�an Environmental Center is owned and operated by Mounds View Public Schools .
Ul�mate Apostle Islands Camping , Sea Caves , Beaches & Explora�on Experience
Full Apostle Islands tour , including kayaking the Devil ' s Island sea caves and camping on Stockton and Madeline Islands . Explore white sand beaches that call to you ( literally named Singing Sands ), snorkel shipwrecks ( water condi�ons permi�ng ), hike pris�ne forest trails trimmed with wild mushrooms and much more ! Novice campers and kayakers welcome .
Detailed i�nerary , plus frequently asked ques�ons and cancella�on policy can be found at www . isd622 . org / ae then click on Vaca�on Ed-ventures .
Tour is limited to 6 par�cipants and includes ferry fees , boat transporta�on , camping permits ( 1 night Madeline Island , 2 nights Stockton Island ), full island boat and kayak tour , snorkeling equipment , paddle boards , tents , food and outdoor cooking / dining package . Transporta�on to Bayfield , WI ( where you will catch the ferry ) is on your own . Register before April 1 , 2017 and take advantage of a $ 25 discount on prices . Registra�on deadline is May 18 .
Date : June 15 – 18 Cost : $ 450 double occupancy tent , $ 525 single occupancy tent Class #: AET5