LeadingAge New York Adviser Fall 2015 Vol. 1 | Page 4

Greetings How to Stand Out in the Field With the recent death of baseball legend and American icon Yogi Berra, came a media barrage of his notable quotes. One of his most famous speaks to the theme of this issue of Adviser, “when you come to a fork in the road, take it.” That one quote nicely summarizes the total ambiguity we are all facing in figuring out what will attract people now and in the future in choosing our organizations to meet their needs over competitors. How to plan to meet today’s market needs while anticipating future needs, how to differentiate your organization from the competition, how manage increasing costs, and how to increase quality outcomes are all important questions without clear answers. This makes it very difficult to execute strategies aimed at increasing the appeal of a particular organization over another. So in the absence of clear direction, when you come to a fork in the road: do something. Trying various good ideas is almost certainly a better bet than taking no action. This issue of LeadingAge New York Adviser provides a lot of ideas that members are trying in efforts to stand out from the competition, to bring people in and to keep people happy and healthy. Quality of life, curb appeal and creative ideas to bring people into your community are To help facilitate learning and communication some of the stories within this issue that will help you think about which fork to take. Also in the mix is series of among members, LeadingAge New York provides articles to help reduce your bottom line and/or improve several stellar conferences and live events for resident outcomes, including Therapy’s Role in Dementia Management, Monitoring D