Leadership Magazines | Page 8

NEW Dena McCaffree RA O E R ND dōT NEW dōTERRA DIAMOND DIA M A Desire to Help N ine months after enrolling in dōTERRA, Dena McCaffree received a phone call from her upline telling her she was going Silver. “I said, ‘What does that mean?’ I had no idea what it all meant. To me, it was never about the money.” “I want to make sure that my whole team knows they can come to me for help.” When Dena first found dōTERRA, she wanted nothing to do with the business, but she wanted to give the oils a try. She was amazed with the results and it became very natural for her to share essential oils with other people. She says, “I wanted others to experience the miracles that I’ve seen in my own life with dōTERRA.” 8 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I FALL 2013 the business side.” Within 19 months of enrolling, she hit Diamond. “I was just having fun helping people feel better. That is still my focus.” Dena shares, “Growing up, I experienced major anxieties whenever I had to speak in front of my class in school. That improved when I started sharing Dena decided she wanted to put enough people under her to pay for her product, but had no real intention of doing the business. When she hit Silver, her upline told her that she was a dōTERRA because I am passionate about the results. It’s because of the joy it brought me, and how it changed my life. I know I need to share with other people what I have learned!” leader and needed to focus on helping Dena encourages people to go big and her team. “That is what I enjoy, helping start with a Diamond kit. “It saves them the people learn, so I decided to look into most money. My team sells a lot of them.