Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 15 | Page 20

NEW dōTERRA DIAMONDS Selfless Leadership Brandon & Lindsey Gifford You DESERVE IT MAKE IT ABOUT OTHERS. “Be humble. Don’t get too hung up on JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, USA E ven after hosting a couple dōTERRA classes for a friend, Lindsey Gifford decided not to enroll. She hadn’t had a powerful experience with essential oils yet, so she didn’t see their value and felt like she couldn’t afford them. She was gifted a Trio Kit for hosting the classes, and it was with that kit that she had the experience she needed. Then Lindsey’s friend came to her and told her since many of her friends were already enrolling, it would be a good idea for her to enroll too. Lindsey says, “I literally enrolled with $35. I didn’t even have that. A week later I got a check in the mail that paid for all the oils I wanted to buy and then some. It just kept building from there.” Lindsey attended her first east coast conference as a Premier, where she says, “I didn’t have a clue what I was doing or what was going on.” But, it was there that she saw the vision of the executives and got to meet some of the top Diamond leaders, which left her star-struck. When she hit Gold, she realized she could join those top leaders too. The goal she put on her vision board for hitting Diamond happened exactly when she planned. She says, “I think putting things down on paper, looking at it every day, and visualizing your goals helps push you and make you accountable. That was a huge help for me.” 20 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I JULY / AUGUST 2015 yourself. Be genuine, relatable, sincere, and compassionate. It’s not all about you, it’s about them.” FOCUS ON PEOPLE. “Don’t think so much about rank. If you put time, energy, and heart into the people who need your support and help them reach their goals, then your goals will happen.” FIND WHAT THEY WANT. “Ask your leaders what they want to get out of dōTERRA. Listen to them and make it a reality. As you watch your leaders transform, you’ll transform too.” CREATE INDEPENDENCE. “Remind your leaders of their potential and the incredible impact they have on families. Help them become independent, and not completely reliant on you.” After the birth of her son, Lindsey’s babysitter backed out on her. She wasn’t able to afford daycare, so she ended up not being able to go back to work. She started babysitting other people’s children to make ends meet. She says, “When dōTERRA came along, it was such a blessing.” Her family no longer has to live paycheck to paycheck and financial freedom is in their sights. Born with a cleft lip and palate, Lindsey has had 14 surgeries to help repair it in her lifetime. She says, “I grew up feeling self-conscious about my looks and my voice. I had years of speech therapy as a child. I was an average student, and I always felt like I didn’t measure up. I never thought I could make a difference in F