Leadership Magazines Leadership Magazine Issue 14 | Page 10

NEW dōTERRA DIAMONDS Mel & Concetta Bibens “WE’RE EXCITED TO HAVE THIS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, AND WE’RE NEVER GOING TO ALLOW IT TO NOT BE SUCCESSFUL.” –MEL SARASOTA, FLORIDA, USA Jumping Hurdles M el and Concetta Bibens were to get back to helping people.” They had want to do those things. I want to know introduced to dōTERRA when Kyle just moved to Florida and didn’t have how I can best mentor them. Then, 45 Kirschbaum invited them to dinner. He much of a network, so they thought days later, I revisit that same question, had done business with them in the past, at first they would just build online. and he told them they would be perfect “We soon found out that online things because it changes along the way. I want for dōTERRA. The Bibens were already can only go so far. This is a hands-on, running three other businesses at the in-person type of business.” They have time, and they were a little skeptical since learned how to get creative in about the essential oils, but they saw that building a strong network wherever the dōTERRA opportunity was something they go. they couldn’t pass up. Soon after, they saw that the products worked and they were something that everyone needed. to keep good relationships with my team members, because then you’re working together, appreciating each other, and having fun.” Though they’re not there yet, Concetta and Mel hope to create more time Now, they’re able to build a team of people that all need their help to grow. Concetta says, “My strength is to sit freedom for their lives very soon. In the meantime, they have enjoyed creating new entrepreneurs out of their leaders Though they were busy with their other down with people that say they want to businesses, the Bibens were excited to build and pull out their strengths, even get involved in something that could when they don’t see them. I’ve always connect them to helping others. They been able to find the good in everyone had previously run a fitness center and and help them work with that.” She spa that had filled that void, but now that tries to learn as much as she can about opportunity to help other people out. was missing from their lives. Concetta people’s personalities and what will best One way or another, everyone on the says, “I thought this would be a great way help them thrive. “I also want to know planet is impacted by something that we to feel that passion of mine again. I wanted what shuts them down, because I don’t can help them with.” DIAMOND TIPS TAKE ACTION “We’re on an even playing field. We all have the same opportunity. The only component that is different is you and the action you take.” 10 COMMUNICATE “Communication and appreciation with your upline and downline is key. Listening to them will help your team effectively reach their goals, especially when they reach challenging points.” dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I MAY/JUNE 2015 and hearing about how the products have changed people’s lives. Mel says, “It’s been a nice dichotomy to have both a business opportunity and an “WHEN MEL AND I WORK TOGETHER, WE’RE UNSTOPPABLE. WE’RE ONES TO JUMP HURDLES.” –CONCETTA JUMP HURDLES “Any challenge you come across is just a little jump. It’s a lesson to learn that’s just something we need t o get around, and we can do it together.” BE CONSISTENT “Doing those daily steps—consistent sharing, follow-up, and classes—is what’s going to build your team with a strong foundation.” EDUCATE “Open education and knowledge are important for both builders and product users. Regular classes give them somewhere to go and ask questions.” MEL AND CONCETTA'S TWO DAUGHTERS ARE CURRENTLY ATTENDING COLLEGE AWAY FROM HOME. www.doterra.com 11