Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 34 Piel & Stone | Page 34

NEW dōTERRA DIAMONDS “ WA N T I N G T O Q U I T ” I S A F E E L I N G , N O T A N O P T I O N Gregory and Susanna Hobelman WESTFIELD, INDIANA, USA SURPRISED BY PROVIDENCE F or 16 of their nearly 20 years over and over the oils changed lives. of marriage, Greg and Susanna That’s when Greg began to see that Hobelman have been working side by he couldn’t resist sharing dōTERRA side in ministry. Between shepherding products any longer.” Both Greg and congregations and parenting four Susanna realized that sharing the children, their life was rich and full. natural goodness of essential oils was Susanna wasn’t searching for anything truly an extension of the ministry work when she found dōTERRA ® . In fact, in they were already doing; it was an many ways, it found her. opportunity to bless people’s lives. It was her mother who placed Susanna’s The Hobelmans’ dōTERRA journey of first oils into her hands. Together they service and love hasn’t been without embarked on a journey of natural hardship. After reaching Platinum wellness education. Both women loved in her own dōTERRA business and the oils and the way it blessed them, providing relentless encouragement their families, and friends. However, to her daughter, Susanna’s angel as Greg watched his wife embrace mother passed away from a terminal products from a direct sales company, illness. While the pain of losing her he was concerned that people would mother lingered, Susanna carried in get the perception that they were using her heart something her mother said their position of influence for personal in the final weeks of her life, “I believe profit. So, while he welcomed the oils I am ready to enjoy the journey.” into their home, he felt strongly they Buoyed up by her mother’s legacy, would never “sell” them. Susanna kept moving forward. However, as Susanna and her family Then, in February 2018, on the exact applied oils and experienced improved anniversary of her mother’s passing, wellness, the earnest questions from Susanna learned she was almost at the observant friends and neighbors began rank of Diamond. “I was shocked,” she to multiply. “What is your family doing?” says, “Greg and our four kids met me they would ask. “Well, is there an oil when I walked in the door with a bouquet for…?” Susanna’s answer every time of five dozen roses to commemorate the was, “Yes, actually I believe there is!” day and also to celebrate. Two days later, She says, “Over and over we reached Diamond became a reality. It felt like a gift out to help the need of others, and from Mom.” “In April I was on a Diamond Club trip. Only two days earlier I had hit Diamond a second time, and yet somehow, I was discouraged! I was feeling the weight of traveling and my responsibilities at home and in my business. I called my husband. ‘I feel like just quitting!’ I said, ‘I don’t even have any solid enrollments or classes planned this month.’ With Greg’s loving encouragement and a prayer, I went on to sign up 22 people from those four days of classes—definitely a different outcome than I had been ‘feeling’ was going to happen. Some days you will feel like quitting. Remember that this is a feeling, not an option.” “With each step in the journey there has been a three-fold decision that has probably become the defining characteristic of all that I am as a dōTERRA leader. It is the decision to always 1) be better, 2) have faith, and 3) never quit.” 34 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2018 Image courtesy of Joanna Brown Photography Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com. doterra.com 35