Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 31 Josh & Season Johnson | Page 76

team with the qualities of an ideal leader . “ By focusing on the ideal qualities of your perfect business partner , you will begin to see people with these qualities show up in your life . Plus , you will focus on modeling these qualities yourself , which helps you attract the perfect leaders to your team .”
Throughout her journey , Lorinda ’ s Why has evolved and grown as well . When she first discovered essential oils , she found that they were an excellent way to help support her emotional and mental health . She recalls , “ It became my mission to share the message that there are natural ways to manage your emotions .” This remains an important part of Lorinda ’ s motivation . She also loves having a career that is fulfilling , meaningful , and financially successful . “ I want to show my kids that you can have work that is service oriented while also supporting your family financially . There is nothing more rewarding than bringing that message of hope and witnessing someone ’ s life change for the better .”
Lorinda ’ s dōTERRA business has influenced her family in another way as well — she now has more time freedom . She explains , “ I have time flexibility with my family . I can do what I need to as a parent and a wife , and then work on my business when it fits my schedule .” Now that Lorinda ’ s two children are older and one is in college , Lorinda finds it easier than ever before to balance her work with her family . She is also grateful to have the constant support of her children and husband as she works to build her business .
Looking to the future , Lorinda is committed to continue sharing the benefits of both the business and the products with others . She is also eager to continue her own personal development . “ This business is so joyful . The way we collaborate and grow together is a beautiful thing .”
“ The most important thing is to believe in yourself . Have the mindset that you can do it — anyone can do it !”
TRY MAKE-AND-TAKES . “ One thing that really helped my team with our momentum this year was adding make-and-takes to our classes . We added this option at the end of every class , and people love it . It shows people how to really use the oils in their lives . I want people to embrace what they just bought . It ’ s also put a lot of fun into my business .”
CONSIDER DIAMOND CLUB . “ I participated in Diamond Club twice . I ’ m very competitive , so it was a great motivator for me . I loved it ! The metrics really helped me have a sense of urgency about my business and pushed me to use my time wisely . Diamond Club was a great opportunity that allowed me to focus all of my energy on my business for that fourmonth period . It ’ s a great way to skill up and get really good at planning , teaching classes , and enrolling .”
ENVISION REACHING YOUR GOALS . “ One thing that made a difference for me was to ascribe emotions to achieving my goal of reaching Diamond . I imagined how I would feel when I achieved it , how it would feel to walk the carpet — I envisioned my dress , the confetti , the music , etc . When I finally got there , it was surreal to see it all happen just as I envisioned it .”
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 39