Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 31 Jessie Reimers | Page 50



Richard & Lisa Jones Blue Diamonds
You asked , they answered . We took your most pressing questions about the business and asked one of our top dōTERRA leaders for their advice from their years of experience .
If you knew earlier what you know now , what would you do differently ?
Lisa : I would never hesitate to offer a solution to someone ’ s health concerns . I am continually blown away by the testimonies I hear and the lives that are changed by these tiny brown bottles of goodness . If I had known and been confident that the business worked , I would have offered that sooner too . It ’ s amazing , and it works if you work it !
Richard : Knowing how effective the oils and supplements are , we would have started sharing more earnestly in helping people with their various health issues . There is so much joy in assisting others with the oils and supplements , and seeing such positive , lasting results . Now realizing how strong the compensation plan is , we also would have been more forthright to share that there is a real opportunity to supplement or even replace their income . Seeing so many people being able to quit their jobs and to work full time sharing dōTERRA products has been so fun to watch .
How do you avoid getting discouraged when your team members don ’ t follow through on their goals ?
Lisa : Life happens to everyone , and sometimes someone has to take things a little more slowly than I ’ d like , or worse , someone quits . I remind myself why I started in the first place : to get oils into as many hands as possible . I take a minute to breathe and make sure I ' m practicing good self-care so I can focus on keeping my energy high and my mindset positive . I am always very careful in what I say to myself . It ’ s not that I deny reality — I just choose to believe the best is yet to come . I stay in gratitude for where I am and how far I ’ ve come . Early on , I heard Boyd Truman say ,