Leadership Magazines doTERRA Issue 23 | Page 46


Building dōTERRA Whatever Your Circumstances Part 3 : Building dōTERRA Single ( with or without children )

This is the final installment in our series featuring the stories of some of our leaders to illustrate how dōTERRA can be built no matter your life circumstances : married , single , with or without children , working a full-time job or not . Illness , finances , and tragedies have been obstacles for many , but many have also overcome those to still accomplish their dreams .
In this issue , we will be featuring leaders who are building the business while single , sometimes with children , sometimes without . Some are divorced , some are widowed , some have never been married , but they ’ re all overcoming the odds to find time and financial freedom through dōTERRA .
Amy Jones , Silver dōTERRA allows me to be a work-fromhome mom and be intimately involved in my daughter ’ s life . I can volunteer at her school . I can have lunch with her . I can be home when she gets home from school . We love the freedom dōTERRA offers and the fact that we can have the best of both worlds . I ’ m widowed and all my biological family lives internationally . I have a lot of good reasons why dōTERRA can ’ t happen for me . But , the truth is , if I can do this despite my circumstances and do it well , I truly believe anyone can . It ’ s my goal to find single moms like myself and empower them to be able to take care of their families .
Donelle Smith , Gold I ’ m single and a lot of people think being single means I don ’ t understand what it ’ s like to have a family and how busy that can make you . Singles fill that void with being busier than we expect while trying to reach a goal . I would say that being single is difficult when building because there isn ’ t a support system , but it can be easier than carrying the burden of building and having to leave a family at home . I respect both ways that people build . I love that this business allows so much freedom to encompass both aspects .
Cate Fierro , Diamond It ’ s a little crazy , but a beautiful crazy . If it were not for dōTERRA , I would not be able to be present to raise my three daughters . I have tried corporate settings before , and I hated missing out on their lives and time with them . Ten years ago I went through a very difficult divorce . We lost our home and nearly everything in it . I had done everything from cleaning to waitressing to graphic arts to customer service . It was very hard to be the kind of mom I wanted to be . For the first time in 25 years , I am able to pay my bills — all of my bills , on time — and still have something left over for us to enjoy ourselves . I took a whole month off last summer just to spend time with them . The blessings this company and opportunity have given us have been too many to count .
Rebecca Biggers , Gold When people ask me how I balance being a single mom and growing a business , I tell them that sharing these amazing products has only brought me more energy and calm in my everyday life . I know I ’ m adding more hours to my day , but it does not feel like it . I think there were a lot more hours after the kids were asleep when I used to just watch TV . Now I ’ m using that time for my business . Building this business so naturally gives me a feeling of peace . This peace is reflected in how I interact with my family . Our lives are so much less stressful knowing I have this . It ’ s empowering .
Bettina Moench , Diamond I have another demanding job aside from dōTERRA . I work long hours and juggle schedules to make it work . I ’ m a single person with a single income and therefore have no one else to rely on but myself to manage work demands , finances , and fit in personal time too . I am grateful for my growing income with dōTERRA and look forward to the day when I have one focus for financial freedom .
Tasha Sprovtsoff , Silver It ’ s important to make time for each thing . It ’ s OK to ask for and accept help . I created a spreadsheet with 15-minute time slots so I can map out the basics of my week to make sure I get my creative time as well as getting homeschool lessons in for my two kids and supporting my team . I am a widow and there
24 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2016 * Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .