Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Magazine Issue 27 | Page 76

Lisa Pittet Sherwood Park, Alberta, CAN A WAVE OF MOMENTUM “Diamonds are never formed without pressure, so push yourself to feel the pressure, and you will find, in the end, that you are a Diamond.” Alisha LaTour knew Diamond Club would bring new challenges, but she was eager to participate. She wanted to see her team grow and plug into her leaders in different locations. As she expected, Diamond Club posed challenges in finding balance between her home life, her dōTERRA business, and near-constant traveling. What kept Alisha motivated through it all? Her Why. She says, “I know what I want from this business, and on those long nights traveling home or early mornings, I would remind myself why I’m doing this and what it will bring to my family in the future. I also was reminded quite often of how these oils can change people’s lives. How could I complain about being tired when people were seeing such great results with dōTERRA?” Alisha approached Diamond Club with an attitude of service—serving her customers, her leaders, and the dōTERRA community. She believes that this attitude is vital to achieving positive responses when sharing. 76 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I JULY / AUGUST 2017 In addition to remembering her Why, the other essential component for Alisha’s success in Diamond Club was her team. She explains, “The key for me was having a team that was ready to do this with me. We planned for me to travel to visit certain areas every week at a specific time. Everyone came to have local classes together, and if they couldn’t make it to those classes, they would try to schedule their classes when they knew I could come. We worked as a team.” Now, Alisha has noticed an incredible level of excitement in her team, and they are seeing a wave of momentum pushing them forward like never before. While Diamond Club comes with difficulties and challenges, Alisha recommends it without hesitation. “Anyone who is truly serious about seeing their business grow should do Diamond Club. It is one of the hardest things I have done, but one that I have seen a huge amount of growth with.” And when those hard times come, Alisha’s advice is to, “Just don’t stop. There will be days when you will ask yourself whether it is worth it, and the answer is yes!” Alisha LaTour Browns Summit, North Carolina, USA SERVING IN A HIGHER WAY “Part of my purpose in this world is to shine a light and to help give hope, and it is magical and transformative when this happens even in a small way.” Lisa Pittet chose to participate in Diamond Club for several reasons—she wanted to serve others in a higher way, engage and grow her team, and show her family, especially her six children, the importance of setting goals and achieving them. She also had rank advancement and financial goals. With all of these reasons pushing her, Lisa was excited to see what Diamond Club could do for her and her team. Diamond Club brought incredible growth for Lisa’s team. She says, “Throughout Diamond Club, we had a total of 15 rank advancements, we introduced 197 new people to essential oils, three existing Wellness Advocates launched their businesses, three Wholesale Customers converted to Wellness Advocates, and seven new builders joined our team! We went from a team that consistently enrolled 11–18 per month to enrolling 18–50 per month.” Now, Lisa and her team are working to keep the momentum going. While Diamond Club spurred significant growth, it also came with challenges. For Lisa, the main challenges were cancelled classes and trying to stay organized with all that was happening in this busy season. However, Lisa says that the biggest difficulty was in her mindset as she worried about getting enough enrollments, doing enough for her team, and more. To overcome this, Lisa says, “I would try to just put my head down and keep going, keeping my eye on the end goal. My team and crossline supporters always knew just what to say.” Lisa is also grateful for her family’s constant support. Her children were her greatest cheerleaders, and her husband helped her keep things in perspective by reminding her that all of her work was paving the foundation for the future. When she was discouraged or tired, Lisa focused on the feeling she gets after a successful class or consult, knowing that she has made a positive contribution or provided a solution to someone who was struggling. Reflecting back on the experience as a whole, Lisa recom­ mends Diamond Club with no reservations. “The learning and personal and team growth you will experience is something you can only achieve by going through it yourself.” Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra.com. doterra.com 77