Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Magazine Issue 27 | Page 28


Love & Serve

Nicole Kezama


Nicole Kezama ’ s dōTERRA journey started when she began following a blogger who shared her farm life experiences and dōTERRA essential oils . At first Nicole was not very interested in the oils , but one day a story was shared that caught her interest , and she was intrigued . With no previous experience with essential oils , she started researching and decided to try them . After a strong personal experience with the oils , Nicole felt she had a responsibility to start sharing . She remembers , “ It was the moment when everything clicked . I knew this was far too important to not share .”

When Nicole first saw the dōTERRA compensation plan , she understood its potential , and she knew she could reach Diamond . She is grateful for the financial freedom she has achieved and feels blessed to be able to financially care for her family and have the opportunity to pursue humanitarian work as well . However , Nicole ’ s journey isn ’ t about hitting rank ; it ’ s about loving and serving others . She explains , “ Everything comes down to sharing love for other people . There are really only two emotions : love and fear . All negative emotions , like anger , hurt , mistrust , or deception , all come down to fear . I like to focus on love and all of its aspects . Love for others gives me a desire to serve them .”
Among the people Nicole is dedicated to loving and serving the most are those on her team . She says , “ My goal with my team is to be there to support them with whatever they need . Each one is unique , so I provide personalized support . The more I help my team and the more I give of myself , the more I benefit .” She has taught the importance of loving and serving others to her team as well . Nicole is passionate about helping her team members find their individual strengths and skills , which all help to strengthen her team overall . This is how the cycle of leadership continues . dōTERRA has also given Nicole a way to connect with more people and help them find the solutions they need . “ I want to share the power of the oils . I want to see people healthy and whole . I want to see them physically , emotionally , spiritually , and financially well . The oils are great at supporting what needs to happen , but it ’ s more than that . I want to help people take a stand for what is right in their lives .”
For Nicole , one of the major benefits of being part of dōTERRA is the wide network of people she is now linked to . She says , “ I find it very important to connect with people and let them know we offer support . We have a huge team of over three million members who are all looking for the same thing — we all want to enhance our health in some way .” With the support of dōTERRA and her family , Nicole is eager to see where her journey will take her in loving and serving others .
“ Reaching Diamond doesn ’ t require anything that ’ s outside of what you usually do . Make a contact , share a sample , invite to a class , follow up , and enroll . Just do it over and over again .”
“ If you leave an opportunity unspoken , someone else will come along and reap the benefits of your work . Do the basics consistently , and teach others to do the same .”
“ Those who go past Diamond are the ones who have created a real team . That ’ s the difference . I teach my team that they don ’ t need me to reach their goals , but I need them to reach mine .”
“ When I introduce someone to the oils , I like to point out how powerful they really are . It doesn ’ t take a lot — one drop is all you need . It ’ s important to teach about safe use of the oils and dilution .”
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 15