Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Issue 25 Ovens | Page 56

“ Most jobs out there are cutthroat and competitive . That ’ s not the nature of dōTERRA , and that ’ s something that I love . It ’ s about helping everyone succeed and reach their goals .”
She says , “ I am in multiple states per month , being with my team and my leaders . Where they have people , I go . Being able to sit down with them , look them in the eyes , answer their questions , and be there , available to help them with the oils , is huge for me .”
Though Brooke is young , her team supports her just as she supports them , and they are learning from her just as she is learning from them . One of Brooke ’ s key points of advice is to be open and teachable . She says , “ Listen to people who have done it before you ; they know how it works , and they have seen success . Don ’ t try to recreate the wheel , just listen to them . Be teachable and be open .”
Brooke has come a long way from her cubicle in Washington , D . C ., and the journey has been harder , yet more fulfilling , than she could have ever imagined . Long before dōTERRA , Brooke ’ s ultimate dream was to marry a wonderful man and raise a happy family , and while that dream is still there , her dōTERRA experience has opened her to more dreams and gratifying experiences . She says , “ I ’ m looking forward to the day that God brings along the right man for me and he slips that diamond on my finger , but for now , I am more than content and so blessed to actually be a dōTERRA Diamond . I am living my life , growing myself , and preparing financially for my future dreams . It is one of the best things that I have ever done . My hope is to help other millennials see that they , too , can take care of themselves , be independent and successful , and have it all .”

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“ You are representing the company in what you do , so go out each day and be happy and friendly , and strike up conversations with people . Be someone you would be drawn to , and then , share the oils with others .”
“ It is important to find out what people need support with and to help them have an experience with the oils . Being able to share those oils so that people can get an experience that brings relief , positive change , or something that benefits them makes the difference . It ’ s when someone has that kind of experience with the oils that they never let them go and become lifelong dōTERRA oil users .”
“ When people get started with the oils and enroll , that ’ s not the end , that ’ s the beginning . It ’ s great that they got started and chose to make dōTERRA a part of their lives , but that is when we really get to work . We need to help educate them , be available for them , and teach them how to use these oils and how the oils can benefit them and their families , co-workers , and loved ones .”
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 29