Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Issue 25 Ovens | Page 10

Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond Dirk VanDerzee & Maree Cottam PLEASANT VIEW , UTAH , USA

Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond Dirk VanDerzee & Maree Cottam PLEASANT VIEW , UTAH , USA

What has been the biggest hurdle you have overcome on the way to Presidential Diamond ?
Maree : Life throws unexpected curveballs at us , and they have a way of deterring us and making us think that we should quit . Right before I was about to hit Blue Diamond , I ended up going through a divorce with my first husband . That was a curveball that I wasn ’ t even expecting . I remember I just really wanted to hide under a rock , but my love , my commitment , and my passion for this company and our team kept me in the game . Life moves forward , and we have to be moving forward with it , or we are just denying those life lessons that we are given .
When you first started your business , did you feel like Presidential Diamond was within reach , or was it something that you gradually worked up to ?
Maree : I could see myself going there , but I had to take baby steps . When I got my Elite certificate , I called my upline and said , “ I ’ m Elite ! I went Elite !” I remember her saying , “ That ’ s so great . Go and celebrate . But first , cross out Elite and put Diamond on there .” With every celebration and with every momentous goal you hit , there always needs to be an idea of what is next . Even as Presidential Diamonds , we were walking the purple carpet at convention , and I got off the