Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Issue 24 | Page 28



When I went to convention , I just felt like it had everything — culture , quality people , owners , and oils . I just knew that I was the last ingredient in order for it to work .” After that , he decided to join the business .
Willem-Paul then introduced Loussanna to the opportunity . At first , Loussanna didn ’ t believe in the oils , but as she puts it , “ I put the oils on , and I started believing .” Loussanna also attended a regional convention , which helped solidify an understanding of dōTERRA and a vision of all that she could create with the business .
In an effort to make the appropriate life changes they were looking for , they began diving deeper into the business together . This opportunity presented its challenges , but they chose to concentrate on the positive . They internalized the quote “ Never quit on a bad day ” and focused on the lives they were changing and the people they were helping . Once again , the business was not a question of “ What if things didn ’ t work out ?” but of “ What if things really did work out ?” Willem-Paul says , “ If you focus on what you don ’ t want , you ’ ll get more of that . As with art , you don ’ t get inspired by what you don ’ t want to create ; you get inspired by what you do want to create .”
“ One of our biggest tips for people is to create the team they want . Something that has contributed to our success is taking a full day every six months to focus on our team and write down what we want to create . It ’ s important to remember that this is your own dōTERRA business , and it helps to be as specific as you can so that you create a team that resonates with your ideals . Here are some of the questions that have helped us form a team that we love .“
• What leaders do we want to attract ?
• What kind of leaders do we want to become ?
• What skill set do we want to attract ?
• What values do we want our team to be driven by ?
• What team culture do we want to create ?
Watch the process of Willem-Paul ’ s latest graffiti creations by visiting the link below :
vimeo . com / 168512652
Since then , they have been creating a team that resonates with them and their vision of giving back to others . Their team holds the strong values of living and giving abundantly and sustaining a positive and safe family culture . The dōTERRA business model has restored balance to their lives , giving them the freedom to pursue their passion as artists and dedicate time to what is most important in life . They say , “ We are living life full-time and dōTERRA part-time .”
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 15