Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Issue 24 | Page 24



“ When I first heard about the Free to Give program , I knew it was something I wanted to enroll in . dōTERRA cares about their Wellness Advocates and only wants the best for them . I feel that this program helps us work toward goals that we wouldn ’ t even want to do . I felt a great accomplishment when I paid off my car loan . It was a weight that was lifted off my shoulders . I am working on paying off our credit cards and then getting our mortgage paid off . If you have not enrolled in this program , I highly recommend that you do so . This is an awesome company to be a part of .” -Sheila Long
“ I purchased the book The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity because I felt it would help me to do an even better job of tracking , trimming , and targeting my personal income and my dōTERRA income as it grows . It is a fantastic book . I will read it several times and share it with my children and grandchildren . I know the book will greatly help all who read it and practice ‘ The Four Laws ’. Thank you for making it available .” -Shirley McGourty
For any questions about the Free to Give program email freetogive @ doterra . com
“ I started with give back to me first by saving 10 % of every paycheck from my traditional job . This has made me realize I could have done this all along had I tracked my frivolous spending tendencies . Because of this ‘ wake up ’ call , I have only one credit card left to pay off . All this and medical bills and I can still see the rainbow past the storm . Thank you ! It was so simple all along .” -Kris Knackert


Getting out of debt is something to be celebrated , and the Free to Give program wants to help you do that . When you sign up for the Free to Give program , you will automatically receive a free Token Collection Board . Once you have paid off a category of debt , we will send you a specialized token that fits in your Token Collection Board along with a certificate to show that you are debtfree . Your name will also be added to the Free to Give Finishers web page so you can be recognized for this life-changing achievement .
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