Leadership Magazines doTERRA Essential Leadership Issue 24 | Page 12

“ My passion to serve other people is fulfilled in this business .”

Lisa Bearinger


Looking for Treasure

L isa Bearinger was no stranger to the direct sales scene . For many years , she was involved with a variety of different sales companies selling anything from cosmetics to candles . She eventually wore out of all of them . But when a friend invited Lisa to a dōTERRA class , she felt a gratifying connection with the product and the business . She says , “ I fell in love with essential oils and what they could do and how they were natural .” At the end of the class , Lisa walked up to the leader who was presenting and asked , “ How do I do what you do ?”

Before dōTERRA , Lisa and her husband were living paycheck to paycheck and were wanting more room to move financially so that they could at least buy their children shoes or go out to dinner every once in a while . Joining dōTERRA changed that . They now enjoy more financial freedom and are grateful for the added income . However , to Lisa , her business didn ’ t just help financially , it opened doors for her to live her passion .
“ I am looking for the treasure ,” Lisa says , “ that is a miracle in my life , and that is the passion that gets me up every day and keeps me moving forward .” Lisa knows that at the heart of her business is her desire to help others become the best they can be and see the treasure within — this is her motivating factor . Through the business , she has been able to seek out those who are struggling or in need of help and assist them , whether that be through essential oils or through helping them recognize and pursue the Why of their life .
Lisa has found that finding the Why is priority as a builder . She says , “ The first thing we do with someone new is set a goal and work on the Why . It has to be a Why that is strong enough to keep them going , even on their worst days .” This exercise enables her and her team to help others find what they are passionate about and follow their dreams .
When she started dōTERRA , Lisa says , “ I knew the oils were something I could really use to help change people ’ s lives and even our own .” And they truly have . Lisa loves being able to listen to others ’ needs and use the essential oils to support and uplift those around her . Overall , she knows that dōTERRA is really an answer to prayer . She says , “ The reason I am successful is due to the blessings of God in my life ! I truly feel that He has been leading me and that He has given me the ability to succeed and to fulfill my passion . I will do this as long as I have breath .”
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