Leadership magazine Sept/Oct 2018 V48 No. 1 | Page 30

and fewer impulsive negative behaviors .
SAP School Psychologists participate in parent meetings , conduct classroom and playground observations , provide training for , and partner with , SAP Prevention Assistants who work directly with teachers and students . SAP Prevention Assistants work under the guidance of the psychologists , conduct observations , implement targeted individual interventions through behavior support plans , and monitor students ’ progress . A Prevention Assistant noted , “ Our program helped identify the academic struggle the student was experiencing due to the reduction in the distracting behaviors .”
SAP Behavior offers options for teachers and administrators not previously available . Through focused , intentional work with individual students , negative behaviors may be reduced or extinguished , and the focus placed on building positive relationships with peers and staff and making academic progress .
RUSD High School Experience
Think Tank
Over the course of two school years , SAP collaborated with the district ’ s Department of Instruction to host forums throughout the district ’ s high schools , consisting primarily of students , that included district and site administrators , teachers , school counselors , SAP Counselors , and parents . The diverse group of students overwhelmingly confirmed the need for social and emotional resources . Developmentally , the years between childhood and adulthood represent a critical period of transition and significant cognitive , mental , emotional , and social change . While adolescence is a time of tremendous growth and potential , navigating new milestones in preparation for adult roles involving education , employment , relationships , and living circumstances can be difficult . These transitions can lead to various mental health challenges that can be associated with increased risk for suicide . ( youth . gov , 2018 ). The Student Assistance Program strives to provide the necessary systems and structures to ease their transition by supporting social , emotional , and behavioral gateways to learning … and life .
Next Steps
Riverside Unified School District continues to explore options for building upon the foundations set through the Student Assistance Program . We are excited about the progress of the program and its impact on our students and families . We continue to seek grant opportunities and additional funding for expansion of the program to provide additional schools with a full-time SAP Counselor as well as additional Behavior Support staff . Additionally , we are exploring the Wellness Center concept for our high schools and may venture in that direction as funding allows .
Tim Walker reflects , “ The creation of the SAP has had a profound impact on addressing the needs of students who require socialemotional support , regardless of whether their need is related to their home or school life . This focus on the well-being of our children completes a circle that surrounds them with resources designed to assist them in not only becoming college and career ready , but contributing and productive members of our society .” He recalled a remark a student made at a board meeting that “ the creation of the SAP , and the overall work on providing social / emotional support to students had a direct connection on saving the life of a friend .”
Adelman , A . S & Taylor , L . ( 2016 ). Mental Health in Schools : Engaging Learners , Preventing Problems , and Improving Schools . New York : Skyhorse Publishing .
Schrobsdorff , S . ( 2016 , November ). Teen Depression and Anxiety : Why the Kids Are Not Alright . http :// time . com / magazine / us / 4547305 / november-7th-2016-vol-188- no-19-u-s /
Youth . Gov . ( 2018 ) Developmental Competencies and Resilience . Retrieved from https :// youth . gov / youth-topics / youthmental-health / definitions-developmentalcompetencies .
30 Leadership
Katarina Roy Schanz , Ed . D . is the Student Assistance Program Coordinator in the Riverside Unified School District and can be reached at kroyschanz @ rusd . k12 . ca . us