Leadership magazine May/June 2017 V46 No. 5 | Page 34

The purpose of this infographic is to cap- ture key features of California’s account- ability system and locate them on a single sheet of paper. This is not meant to replace the hundreds of pages of documentation that have been placed on the California Depart- ment of Education or State Board of Educa- tion websites, rather it was created to com- municate key features of the system. Moreover, it shows how the state priorities will be measured through state and local in- dicators, and finally, how the multi-dimen- sional California Dashboard will display the progress of our work across several metrics. The CDE has recently updated its LCAP template and is now allowing school districts to use an alternative format for the plan summary, as long as it includes the informa- tion specified in each prompt and the budget summary table. This is a great opportunity for school districts to utilize an infographic to help with the communication, under- standing, implementation and transparency of a district’s LCAP implementation pro- cess. Patrick Lencioni (2012) states that, “The only way for a team to really become a team and to maximize its output is to ensure that everyone is focused on the same priorities – rowing in the same direction.” Fullan fur- ther states the intent of the LCAP is to first develop a compelling focus that promises to move the needle. I believe that infographics can be utilized as a great tool to help in this process. Resources • Bullas, J. (2012, May 30). “6 Powerful Reasons Why You Should include Images in Your Marketing – Infographic.” Re- trieved Feb. 15, 2017 from www.jeff bullas. com/2012/05/28/6-powerful-reasons-why- you-should-include-images-in-your-mar- keting-infographic. • Featherstone, R. (2014). “Visual Re- search Data: an Infographics Primer.” Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Journal de l’Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada. Re- trieved Feb. 15, 2017 from https://ejournals. library.ualberta.ca/index.php/jchla/article/ view/23477/17702. • Fullan, M., (admin.). “California’s Golden Opportunity: LCAP’s Theory of Action” (2015). Retrieved Feb. 15, 2017 from http://michaelfullan.ca/californias- golden-opportunity-lcaps-theory-of-action. • Fullan, M. and Quinn, J. (n.d.). “Co- herence: The Right Drivers in Action for Schools, Districts, and Systems” First Edition. Retrieved Feb. 15, 2017 from https://w w w.amazon.com/Coherence- D r iver s-S c hool s-D ist r ic ts-Sy stems / dp/148336495X. • Gardner, O. in Content Marketing (2012). “The Ultimate G