Leadership magazine March/April 2018 V47 No. 4 | Page 16

LCAP conversations. 5. How can you build better relationships with community organizations and other part- ners? Community based organizations (CBOs) have a strong history in community organiz- ing. In some districts, CBOs were pivotal to deep engagement, helping to recruit partici- pants, build their understanding and capac- ity to engage in LCAP conversations, and ensure that all voices were heard. How might you build relationships with external partners to facilitate deep engage- ment? If the community does not have well- organized CBOs, might there be faith-based organizations, colleges, churches and other groups that could play a partnering role? 6. How has your approach to the LCFF evolved over time? One three-year LCFF cycle is in the past and you are now nearly at the end of the first year of another LCAP. With your team, and then again with your community stakehold- ers, reflect on where you’ve been with the LCFF and where you hope to go. What have you learned about engagement in your 16 Leadership district? What worked? What didn’t? What haven’t you tried? Check out the California Department of Education’s recently pub- lished Family Engagement Toolkit, acces- sible at https://goo.gl/KpACQc, designed to help you take stock of your engagement efforts. After more than four years of implement- ing LCFF, we’ve learned a lot about the challenges and opportunities of stakeholder engagement. It’s now time to capitalize on these insights to facilitate more meaningful processes. Resources • Humphrey, D.C., Koppich, J.E., Esch, C., Marsh, J.A., Hall, M., Campbell, A. and Imazeki, J. (2014). “Toward a grand vi- sion: Early implementation of California’s local control funding formula.” SRI Interna- tional. Accessible at https://goo.gl/723V8t. • Humphrey, D., Koppich, J., Lavadenz, M., Marsh, J. O’Day, J., Plank, D., Stokes, L. and Hall, M. (2017) “Paving the way to equity and coherence? The Local Control Funding Formula in Year 3.” Stanford, CA: LCFF Research Collaborative and PACE. • Koppich, J.E., Humphrey, D.C. and Marsh, J.A. (2015). “Two years of Califor- nia’s Local Control Funding Formula: Time to reaffirm the grand vision.” Stanford, CA: PACE. • Marsh, J. and Hall, M. (2017). “Chal- lenges and choices: A multidistrict analysis of statewide mandated democratic engage- ment.” American Educational Research Journal. Accessible at https://goo.gl/hx- SW6v. • Policy Analysis for California Educa- tion, “The Local Control Funding Formula Research Collaborative.” Available at www. edpolicyinca.org/projects/lcffrc. Julie A. Marsh ([email protected]) is an associate professor at the Rossier School of Education at University of Southern California and co-director of Policy Analysis for California Education. Kate E. Kennedy ([email protected]) is a doctoral student in Urban Education Policy at the Rossier School of Education at USC.