LEADERSHIP Elevate the Game | Page 25

First of all, be good to yourself. It could be as simple as treating yourself to a smoothie or repeating an affirmation about how wonderful you are- because you are wonderful. Second: Don’t be afraid to give a compliment to a friend. “I liked how you rounded second base and dove head first into third,” or “good job on sacrificing so the runner could score.” Third: Give yourself permission to say no. Everything is not designed to promote the best of who you are. “Hey, I have a fake ID. Let’s go buy some beers after school.” It’s a powerful affirmation to say “No, that’s not for me.” Fourth: Be brave enough to feel. Its ok to have feelings, but you need to discern which feelings to follow and which ones to ignore. So, going back to the original question about when people ask you how you’re doing, it’s an act of bravery and showing consideration for yourself to tell them the truth. If you’re not having a good day, say “Today I’m not having a good day.” It’s okay. Once you gain control of your feelings and emotions, you’ll soon see that the only thing you owe your friends and others around you is the truth. 22