LEADERSHIP Elevate the Game | Page 24

Sometimes they dismiss your feelings and tell you to get over it because of their inability to help the situation. Most people do not know how to helpThose magical words that solve all of the problems are often only seen in the movies. The leading actor tells the person just what they need to hear to fix the problem and then they ride off into the sunset. Well real life is not so simple and recovery not so swift. Many people don’t even know how to heal themselves let alone someone else. Not ministering to you and your needs isn’t always a deliberate act of emotional abandonment but more so they may not be capable or equipped to help you, so they are doing the best they can. You have to learn how to minister to yourself. What does that look like? Celebrate yourself. Don’t expect or wait for someone else to do it. Also, you will have to seek out the people and activities that will uplift you in order to heal the wounds and make you stronger. Sometimes hearing I love you is enough, but then again, that may be just the beginning. Young people seek love and direction. They know you love them that’s why they come to you for support. They need to understand that it’s ok to suffer loss and handle disappointment in a way that’s not detrimental to their well-being. Here are a few ways to tap into those hidden emotional jewels that many athletes seldom pay attention to. Understanding the fact that you are a spiritual being who has feelings and emotions will help you to understand this. 21