LEADERSHIP Elevate the Game | Page 22

EMOTIONS and FEELINGS What do you say when someone asks you “how are you?” Do you automatically default to the standard response, “I’m fine,” or “I’m good.” What do you think would happen if you said “I’m frustrated,” or “I’m confused.” The majority of people will be taken aback, hesitate and not really want to know why everything isn’t fine. In a lot of ways we are conditioned to hide our true selves. We cover up our real feelings because we don’t want to appear to be weak or not have it all together. So we grow up ill equipped at handling difficult situations. This is a topic that often gets overlooked and doesn’t easily fit in the scope of sports. It quickly makes people uncomfortable. We are going to examine it here. Athletes hold an almost mythic place in the American landscape. In some instances they are modern day gladiators, in other disciplines they are the highest form of physical art. And while they often evoke strong feelings, they are rarely seen as having emotions that extend beyond extreme happiness or deep sorrow. However, upon closer inspection, the emotional well that an athlete must pull from is much more profound and defined than these often explored extremes. Guess what? You can be both aggressive and empathetic just like you can walk and chew gum at the same time. The question is, how do you manage your feelings and emotions? Do you allow yourself to feel the fullness of the human experience? 19