LEADERSHIP Elevate the Game | Page 14

COMMUNICATION There is great power in the spoken word. So, before you open your mouth to speak, what is the first thing that happens? A thought. Everything that comes out of our mouth as spoken word begins as a thought in our head. The time that it takes for a thought to reach your lips is the same time you could use to decide if you should keep your mouth closed or let it rip. Words are powerful. Whoever made up the schoolyard rhyme, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me,” had a limited understanding. Thoughts when conveyed by words have more power. You are taking a thought from the abstract and moving it to the concrete. For example, you miss a catch. In your mind you say, “I’m never gonna get this right!” What do you think that does? Do you think it’s no big deal to beat yourself up in your mind and express it audibly? It is. Should you receive or accept a thought whether negative or positive remember this- when you speak thoughts and repeat them, they go to the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind is very obedient and acts upon how it is being programmed. This is a process that happens whether you are aware of it or not, so choose your thoughts and words wisely. It only takes a second to decide. 11