LEADERSHIP Elevate the Game | Page 11

Athletes, there are many instances where you can exercise your leadership talents by doing some of the following: • Teaching a little one how to tie their shoes. • Observing the condition of the field and picking up debris and trash without being asked. • Just sitting beside or talking with a teammate who may need some encouragement. Sometimes no words need to be said for there to be transference of compassion. • Calling a teammate to remind them of a change in the practice schedule. • Offering to carpool to practice with someone who doesn’t have a ride. A great leader understands that not everyone responds to the same instructions the same way. People have different learning styles, and in order to pull the best from everyone a leader’s approach has to be tailored. A good leader listens, but a great leader empathizes. Seek to be great. If you go in like a wrecking ball more than likely the only thing you’ll end up with is rubble. 8