LEADER iniciatīva 2011 | Page 10

Būvmateriālu iegāde “Grobiņas boksa kluba” remontam Purchase of construction materials for reconstruction works of ‘’Grobina boxing club’’ Projekta nosaukums / Project name Kontakpersona / Contact LV: Būvmateriālu iegāde “Grobiņas boksa kluba” remontam ENG: Purchase of construction materials for reconstruction works of ‘’Grobina boxing club’’ Guntis Štelmahers Adrese / Adress Krasta iela 8, Grobiņa, Grobiņas novads, LV-3430 īstenotājs / Executor LV: Grobiņas boksa klubs ENG: Grobina boxing club Mob. tālr. / Mobile telephone +371 22405814 kopējās izmaksas / total costs fax / E-mail Ls 10212,38 +371 63490010 Publiskais finansējums / public funding e-pasts / e-mail Ls 9191,14 [email protected] Apraksts par projekta iesniedzēju „Grobiņas boksa klubs” jau četrus gadus atrodas nomātās telpās, kas nav remontētas divdesmit gadus, kā arī nedarbojas ne duša, ne tualete. Siltuma zudumi dēļ vecajiem logiem bija milzīgi. Tā kā klubam ir novērojami reāli panākumi sacensībās un arī dalībnieku skaits pieaug, tad pakāpeniski palielinās atbalstītāju loks. Visiem ir kopēja vēlme uzlabot treniņu apstākļus un reizē arī telpu vizuālo izskatu. Šis projekts ir kā pirmais pakāpiena punkts kluba attīstībai. „Grobiņas boksa klubā” darbojas ap trīsdesmit cilvēku, no kuriem lielākā daļa ir tieši jaunieši. Description of the applicant ‘’Grobina boxing club’’ is operating in rented premises already for four years. Premises have not been renovated for 20 years, a shower and toilet is not working. Heat loss was huge, due to old windows. As far as the club is succeeding in competitions and the number of members is increasing, some supporters start to appear. Everybody has a common wish to improve training conditions as well as visual look of premises. This project is considered as the first stage in the development process of the club. Around 30 people, consisting mostly from young people, are participating in the club. Liepājas rajona partnerība 10 11 Liepājas rajona partnerība Improvement of infrastructure for leisure time activities in the territory of loc al development strategy im plementation, improvement and equ ip ment of the area Infrastruktūras uzlabošana brīvā laika pavadīšanai vietējās attīstības stratēģijas īstenošanas teritorijā, vietu labiekārtošana un aprīkošana DUNALKA Description of the project Within the framework of the project premises has been renovated and set according to the hygiene requirements. This gives an opportunity for even more young people to do boxing and sports in general. The main objective is to create a strong boxing club, joining amateur and semi-professional athletes, as well as a big number of members in the future. This would enable the club to maintain and operate the premises in good conditions, develop skills and organize competition