LEAD Magazine Issue 2019 | Page 42

LEAD MAGAZINE | 2019 Unmemorable mass produced CGI infested formula driven It struck me recently that I am a very lucky person and for that I am sincerely grateful. One of the things I am most grateful for is that I was born when I was. sameness and does anyone remember a song from 2017 let alone this year. I doubt it. There are great things also. Peter Jackson has done something incredible in his film ‘They shall never grow old’ by taking one-hundred-year-old footage from World War One and restoring it so it looks like a home movie shot yesterday complete with sound. This is genius. The disparaging thing in Leadership today is that even leaders are cloned and the same. Less are prepared to make decisions than ever before, especially bold ones. We fear reprisal, statutory authorities, shareholders and staff lawsuits. We have to take control. Sure we need protocols, but it doesn’t stop people who want to fill there own pockets. Politicians across the globe are still being convicted of that way too regularly. Psychologists are saying that this generation of parents are creating more problems than ever before. Our children are becoming drones. Why you ask? Because we are all free and easy, they must express, do what they want, have ultimate freedom. Strangely a proven fact is people with more discipline as children grow up more creative as adults and those with too much freedom become mundane, system followers. I met and knew people who were born in the 19 Century and I So are these generations the last real non virtual generations. have and will meet people who will live into the 22nd Century. Generations of people who feel excitement by exploration, I was at the forefront of Rock Music, one of the big shifts in generations who have something new to say, who want to music, got to see Les Paul the inventor of the electric guitar create, not just improve, a generation who wants to play. and multi-track recording in the Iridium Jazz Club in New York City when he was 94. I met and had a beer with Neil Armstrong service interactions in 2020 and will drive up to $33 Trillion of in 1990. An amazing man who was one of a kind. No one will economic growth. Google’s Ray Kurzwell, the AI guy predicted do something like that for a while, unless you met James Cook in a speech to the Council of Foreign Relations that by 2029 or Vasco de Gama in a past life. I sat on top of the Andes a medical robot will be able to go into our neo cortex within mountains in 1995 and watched an Indian woman phone her our brain and connect us to a ‘smart cloud’. Kurzweil has been husband on a massive brick style phone. I was even an early right with over 90% of his predications so far. subscriber to Skype, Facebook and LinkedIn. In healthcare GlobalNewsWire expects the augmented reality What struck me is that with the advent of AI (don’t worry bubble to exceed $10B globally by 2025. It may surprise you it actually does not exist yet), or should I say Augmented to know that augmented intelligence was a term almost never Intelligence (which is the process that keeps advertising me used prior to 2018. It’s another reason for overwhelm and the the same pair of pants I bought four months ago), the ability growing disparity between millennials who will engage and via cheap flights to go to Hong Kong for a party (yes I flew to simply make augmented intelligence part of who they are Honkers from Auckland for a party in 2008), and the absolute against most of the baby boomers who will almost take an magnificence of VR (Virtual Reality), that the children being born ‘enough’s enough’ approach. now will unlikely ever experience anything beautifully natural That ‘enough’s enough’ approach is really something that will for the first time. It’s been done. affect business and entrepreneurs in future. The pace is too When I went to school Japan was mystical, adventurous and fast for most. In 2009 24% of our companies group revenue the food was exotic and crazy. Now it’s mainstream and the was from Facebook. By 2012 this was below 2%. The pace of exchange programs see many people having all of that before change is wild, so what’s the alternative. they are truly old enough to appreciate it. Don’t get me wrong. ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.’ Isaac I think that is fantastic as well. I love travelling, having been to Newton (3rd Law) 108 countries now, something even in this day and age few will do. Yet it’s all so mundane to have it all at your fingertips with almost no challenge to attain it. Have you looked at the quality of films that churn out? 42 Inc magazine says AI bots will control 85% of customer As people that are running to AI and VR and all the new things, there are just as many running just as fast in the opposite direction. These people want nothing to do with Social Media, AI, and funnels make them want to literally throw up. They