LEAD Magazine Issue 2019 | Page 24

LEAD MAGAZINE | 2019 KATRINA JACKSON STEPPING AWAY FROM LIFE Stepping away from LIFE… to go on a Pilgrimage. Why would YOU... Wikipedia says “A pilgrimage is a journey or search of moral or spiritual significance” My motivation to walk 799km across Spain to Santiago de Compostela was about challenging myself in a way that was different to my everyday life as a daughter, sister, mother, wife, business owner and partner. I had stepped out of life before and like before, I was not going on my own. This time I was with my 26 year old, mentally exhausted Masters graduate daughter Chantal. It was Chantal who had planted the seed of the Frances Camino 8 years before when she had travelled as an 18 year old to work as an au pair in Spain with the vision of becoming fluent in Spanish. Chantal wanted to celebrate her masters completion by returning to Spain to refresh her Spanish and to go on an adventure far away from any books, lecture halls and late nights, and she had asked me to join her. I was excited and anxious in equal amounts. The biggest hurdle leading up to leaving was the mental one of dealing with questions that crowded in….. how can I possibly step out of our business and my life for 52 days? Who would step into my role? What would the impact be? How could my usual everyday role in New Zealand continue to function without me? These in tandem with the ever present “guilt” of wanting to escape for this adventure, is what drove me to spend many hours preparing additional work instructions and working documents to be followed in my absence. 24 Outside of leaving our business, my husband and life behind was the other small detail of traveling halfway around the world to walk 799km when my physical fitness consisted of short pleasure walks on the beach with the dog and weekly walks around the supermarket aisles. I neither looked nor felt like the athlete that I would need to be to accomplish the journey ahead. Nevertheless I had my gear and my backpack packed and I was off before I’d even had a chance to start my training in earnest BUT I theorised that I’d be fine, actually better than fine as I had Hoka sneakers which are designed for endurance athletes so I told myself that there would be nothing more that I could possibly need! As it transpired, for the journey itself I would need more….. much much more. The challenges were many but the rewards were undoubtedly transformational. On the Camino living is stripped back to the basics. Walking, walking, walking, walking, washing, eating and sleeping day after day after day after day. Pack light was the resounding feedback from online forums and people we knew who had completed the walk. My backpack contents had weeks of careful contemplation and prior to leaving I believed my 8kg bag had the absolute minimal within. It was the first lesson the Camino provided. We don’t need as much as we think we do. I would have sworn to you that every item in my backpack was a necessity on day one. By day five I’d stripped the contents down and dropped two kilograms of weight from my bag. Having a bag that was comfortable and manageable totally changed my daily experience of walking and reminded me how little we need. We provide ourselves an opportunity to live more fully and freely when we carry less on our journey. While you’re walking you have hours of time with yourself and once you fall into the rhythm of life on the Camino your existence changes. Life at home slowly falls away, you become so aware of each step, each thought and each moment that the feeling of being so present takes your breath away, even more than the last hill climb. Imagine every day not knowing where you are going and what you will find. Your only guide are scallop shell signs in the pavement in the cities and big yellow arrows spray painted on fences, roads and trees in the country to mark your way. Our choice to not have a guide book meant I had to release the need for control, planning and knowing. I had to trust the universe and the experience it would provide for us. The lesson here was all about expectation. Once you release expectation of what you think you will experience, every experience you do have feels new and unique. There is a sense of excitement and anticipation that is incredibly refreshing and energising from not knowing what you can expect around the next corner. Every day was an adventure and we were not alone. Staying in accommodation only for pilgrims on their way to Santiago meant every night we shared our day, experiences, lessons, knowledge and supplies with others who had the same goal. People from all walks of life, with different motivations, beliefs, and faiths heading in the same direction. We