LE PORTRAIT MAGAZINE Feb.27.2015 | Page 22

believed such metamorphosis was possible. A man was still a man and a leopard leopard while the old jailhouse was a forsaken place not fit for human habitation. A white man was the District Officer who went by in an impressive white jacket and a black man was the Native Police constable who saluted as the white man passed. This was how the world was and there was no reason to think it could be otherwise. But the war came and the bombs started falling, shattering things out of their imprisonment in boxes and jumbling them without logic into a protean mishmash. Without warning, everything became possible.*Months preceding the arrival of the military bands, news had been filtering in that the foreign powers were clawing at each other’s throats. In the papers, there were 2 cartoons showing how bad things would be if Hitler won. Posters appeared all over town encouraging the young men to enlist and then the recruitment officers showed up accompanied by drum majors who conducted smartly-uniformed bands through the streets. Unmoved by the marching songs and colorful banners flying above the parades, not a single volunteer stepped out. Shrugging, people just said, the gecko and the lizard may decide to get married; fine for them, but it would be silly for the butterfly to dance its garments to shreds at their wedding celebration. The next day, traditional drums accompanied the bands to rouse enthusiasm but thisalso failed to inspire and speculations became rife that conscription will be used as in some other places. But that was not to be because reports came that Hitler himself was waiting with his ruthless army at the border and that with him things were going to be much worse than the imagination could conceive. Those he didn’t pressgang into slavery would be roasted alive for consumption by his beloved dogs, this was the word on the street, and panic began spreading with virulent haste. There was only one thing to do. Hitler had to be taken on before he 22 Le